Membership Dues
Dues for 2023-2024 academic year can currently be paid for by check or online payment below.
Dues for 2023-2024 academic year can currently be paid for by check or online payment below.
Whether you pay by check or online, would you please take a moment to completely fill out this form and return it to me? We are trying to compile an accurate and complete membership database.
Checks should be payable to Obstetrical Society of Philadelphia and mailed to:
Obstetrical Society of Philadelphia
c/o Teri Wiseley, Executive Secretary
308 Rolling Creek Road
Swarthmore, PA 19081
(includes dinner payments for 8 meetings @ $65.00, less 10% prepayment discount of $52.00)
(includes dinner payments for 8 meetings @ $65.00, less 10% prepayment discount of $52.00)
(includes dinner payments for 8 meetings @ $65.00, less 10% prepayment discount of $52.00)